Commercial Acting TV ad for Rocket League! Play for Fun. Live to Play.
Recent Commercial Acting Work
Written and Directed by: Caron Clancey Starring: Scott Vermeire and Hawley Allen. Episode 1. Written by 94110, the best show about San Francisco that never was.
This was the first presentation-style performance that I did when I came out of hiding as a performer. Prior to this, due to shyness, I was only performing on BART trains, or in public, or anonymously at freeform open mics. My dear friend, the artist Hannah Ireland asked me to put something together for an event at her school and this is what I did. Thanks for opening the cage Hannah:) As you will notice, I was younger, chubbier, and always wearing carhartts in those days.
The music video for the DJ REAL instrumental, "Longfingers".
Scott Vermeire debuts a new plug-in for Google Glass called Blinder. Written by Scott Vermeire.